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Lab Equipment And Supplies Products by 10

At Industrials Unlimited, our goal is to make the parts procurement process easier than it has ever been. Part of this is making the process of finding the exact part you need as fast as possible. To do this, we provide specific subcategories along with each part category in our vast inventory. For example, if you are searching for parts such as 08068-90, 08077-42, 08077-44, 08077-45, 08077-46, you will find them here in the subcategory Lab Equipment And Supplies. At Industrials Unlimited, we provide each customer with access to a vast, diverse, and highly streamlined inventory which contains a broad range of industrial and automation parts. Furthermore, if you need parts not in our inventory, they can be sourced and shipped directly to you through our international supply chain network that spans the United States, Canada, and the United Kingdom. At Industrials Unlimited, our goal is not only to improve the purchasing experience, but to revolutionize it entirely.

Test Instruments And Gauges- Lab Equipment And Supplies Product List

Lab Instruments Parts Lab Supplies Parts Meter Parts
Soil Tester Parts Vacuum And Pressure Gauge Parts
Part No. Description Manufacturer Sub Category RFQ
08068-90 Irreversible 8 and 9-Point Tempera, PK 25 Digi Sense Lab Supplies Pa... RFQ
08077-42 Freezer Verification Thermometer, -30 to Digi Sense Lab Supplies Pa... RFQ
08077-44 Refrigerator Verification Thermometer Digi Sense Lab Supplies Pa... RFQ
08077-45 Incubator Verification Thermometer, 10 t Digi Sense Lab Supplies Pa... RFQ
08077-46 Incubator Verification Thermometer, 15 t Digi Sense Lab Supplies Pa... RFQ
08077-47 Oven Verification Thermometer, 20 to 130 Digi Sense Lab Supplies Pa... RFQ
08077-77 PFA Safety Coated Liquid-In-Glass Thermo Digi Sense Lab Supplies Pa... RFQ
08077-78 PFA Safety Coated Liquid-In-Glass Thermo Digi Sense Lab Supplies Pa... RFQ
08078-48 Reversible 48-Point Vertical Magne, PK 10 Digi Sense Lab Supplies Pa... RFQ
08080-97 SS Bimetal Pckt Thermom, 2"" Dial, 8"" Ste Digi Sense Lab Instruments... RFQ
08081-02 Silicone Filled Adjust. Angle Bimet Ther Digi Sense Lab Supplies Pa... RFQ
08081-03 Silicone Filled Adjust. Angle Bimet Ther Digi Sense Lab Supplies Pa... RFQ
08081-09 Beaker Clip with Pointer for 2"" Dial The Digi Sense Lab Instruments... RFQ
08082-02 Silicone Filled Adjust. Angle Bimet Ther Digi Sense Lab Supplies Pa... RFQ
08083-02 Silicone Filled Adjust. Angle Bimet Ther Digi Sense Lab Supplies Pa... RFQ
081010MD Thermo Orion #081010MD Specifications Thermo Orion Lab Supplies Pa... RFQ
08113-15 Flexi Thermocouple Probe, PVC, 20G, Ungr Digi Sense Lab Supplies Pa... RFQ
08113-16 Flexi Thermocouple Probe, PVC, 20G, Ungr Digi Sense Lab Supplies Pa... RFQ
08113-17 Flexi Thermocouple Probe, PVC, 20G, Ungr Digi Sense Lab Supplies Pa... RFQ
08113-18 Flexi Thermcpl Probe, PVC Insul Wire, 20 Digi Sense Lab Supplies Pa... RFQ
08113-19 Flexi Thermcpl Probe, PVC Insul Wire, 20 Digi Sense Lab Supplies Pa... RFQ
08113-20 Flexi Thermcpl Probe, PVC Insul Wire, 20 Digi Sense Lab Supplies Pa... RFQ
08113-21 Flexi Thermocouple Probe, FEP, 20G, Ungr Digi Sense Lab Supplies Pa... RFQ
08113-22 Flexi Thermocouple Probe, FEP, 20G, Ungr Digi Sense Lab Supplies Pa... RFQ
08113-23 Flexi Thermocouple Probe, FEP, 20G, Ungr Digi Sense Lab Supplies Pa... RFQ
08113-24 Flexi Thermocpl Probe, FEP, 20G, Expsd Digi Sense Lab Supplies Pa... RFQ
08113-25 Flexi Thermocpl Probe, FEP, 20G, Expsd Digi Sense Lab Supplies Pa... RFQ
08113-26 Flexi Thermocpl Probe, FEP, 20G, Expsd Digi Sense Lab Supplies Pa... RFQ
08113-27 Flexi Thermocouple Probe, PTFE, 23G, Ung Digi Sense Lab Supplies Pa... RFQ
08113-28 Flexi Thermocouple Probe, PTFE, 23G, Ung Digi Sense Lab Supplies Pa... RFQ
08113-29 Flexi Thermocouple Probe, PTFE, 23G, Ung Digi Sense Lab Supplies Pa... RFQ
08113-30 High Temp Thermocouple Probe, Fbrglss In Digi Sense Lab Supplies Pa... RFQ
08113-31 High Temp Thermocouple Probe, Fbrglss In Digi Sense Lab Supplies Pa... RFQ
08113-40 Detachable Thermocouple Probe, 8"" L, Gro Digi Sense Lab Supplies Pa... RFQ
08113-45 Detachable Thermocouple Probe, 4"" L, Pen Digi Sense Lab Supplies Pa... RFQ
08113-50 Detachable Thermocouple Probe, 8"" L, Sur Digi Sense Lab Supplies Pa... RFQ
08113-55 Type-T Ind Detachable Air / Gas Probe, M Digi Sense Lab Supplies Pa... RFQ
08113-60 Thermocouple Microprobe, 4"" L/0.020"" Dia Digi Sense Lab Supplies Pa... RFQ
08113-65 Hypodermic Thermocouple, 4"" L/0.063"" Dia Digi Sense Lab Supplies Pa... RFQ
08116-40 Detachable Thermocouple Probe, 8"" L, Gro Digi Sense Lab Supplies Pa... RFQ
08116-45 Detachable Thermocouple Probe, 4"" L, Pen Digi Sense Lab Supplies Pa... RFQ
08116-50 Detachable Thermocouple Probe, 8"" L, Sur Digi Sense Lab Supplies Pa... RFQ
08116-55 Type-J Ind Detachable Air / Gas Probe, M Digi Sense Lab Supplies Pa... RFQ
08116-60 Thermocouple Microprobe, 4"" L/0.020"" Dia Digi Sense Lab Supplies Pa... RFQ
08116-65 Hypodermic Thermocouple, 4"" L/0.063"" Dia Digi Sense Lab Supplies Pa... RFQ
08117-40 Detachable Thermocouple Probe, 8"" L, Gro Digi Sense Lab Supplies Pa... RFQ
08117-45 Detachable Thermocouple Probe, 4"" L, Pen Digi Sense Lab Supplies Pa... RFQ
08117-50 Detachable Thermocouple Probe, 8"" L, Sur Digi Sense Lab Supplies Pa... RFQ
08117-55 Type-K Ind Detachable Air / Gas Probe, M Digi Sense Lab Supplies Pa... RFQ
08117-60 Thermocouple Microprobe, 4"" L/0.020"" Dia Digi Sense Lab Supplies Pa... RFQ

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